An appraisal or valuation of a car may be necessary for several reasons:
- As the basis for the insured value in comprehensive insurance
- As a security directive in the event of a subsequent claim
- As an aid to sale (or inheritance/divorce)
How do we go about this?
On the basis of the findings on the car, the onboard documents and the history (service booklet, maintenance and repair invoices, restoration file, …) we make a report with a clear identification of the car and per section (chassis/body/mechanics/electrical/interior) a description of what is there and in what condition, and this per section with a quality assessment.

Finally, a general quality assessment follows with some additional data about the model, if available its production numbers and, of course, the valuation and various photos.
Our extensive library helps us on a daily basis for all research work
We work as appraisers for several specialized insurers of vintage cars.